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Academic Experience

My Studies

August 1995 ~ May 1998

Ph.D., Purdue University West Lafayette

This is where my brain changed from approaching problem-solving solely through creativity and imagination to analytically. My focus was Curriculum and Instruction, which is the backbone of an aligned foundation-building educational experience for any learner. I later received both the Department of Foreign Language's and College of Education's recognition for Dissertation of the Year. T.A. scholarships paid the expenses. I left the university with no debt, new computer hardware, and money in my pocket!

May 1990 ~ August 1991

M.A., Ohio University Athens

This is where I explored great Hispanic literary masters and focused on second language acquisition (SLA). I was recognized as the T.A. of the year. A T.A. scholarship paid the expenses. I left the university with no debt, new peripherals, and money in my pocket!

May 1989 ~ December 2000

University of Texas Arlington

Until the cost of attending universities became unaffordable, this is where I picked up classes from linguistic to counseling, earning certification in principalship, superintendence, and counseling.

May 1983 ~ August 1986

University of Texas Austin

This is where I explored great linguistics and literature in both Spanish and English as well as having earned my teaching certification. I was nominated as U.T. Female Student of the Year. I paid as I went, and left with my degree and no debt. But Austin also provided me a life-changing experience of exposure to the financial planning world. Because there were no teaching positions in Austin when I graduated--and who wants to leave Austin, right?--I was forced to look elsewhere. In the financial world, aside from earning certification as a registered representative and insurance agent, I learned about personal budgeting, personal finance, and compounding!

July 1981 ~ May 1983

Howard College, Big Spring Texas

This was the hardest degree that I earned! (Has the laughing stopped?) Exceptional professors demanded the meeting of standards; I came to appreciate, for the first time in my life, that I had certain strengths of character and cognitive abilities. I was introduced to the Greek classics, academic writing with stern assessments, the subtleties of inferencing and supposition as well as kindness. Pell grants paid my way. I left the college with my A.A. degree and no debt.

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